Mr R, who is now in his 60s, suffered sexual abuse for a number of years as a child carried out by a teacher at his primary school. He carried the pain of this with him throughout his life and eventually found the courage to report this to the police after receiving counselling through a local charity.

Regrettably, the teacher had died by the time Mr R reported him to the police, so he never paid for his crimes against Mr R. Although the teacher had died, the abuse took place many years before, and the Claim was made over 40 years after the sexual abuse had ended.

Ison Harrison were able to assist Mr R to claim compensation from the government’s CICA Scheme and he was awarded £13,500.00.

If you have been the victim of childhood sexual abuse, you may be entitled to compensation.

Please call and speak to a member of our Sexual Abuse team on 0113 284 5000 for free confidential advice or email