Working From Home Logo“You’ll be really busy when all this is done, everyone will be getting a divorce” is what I am being told on a daily basis – the truth is, we’re buzzing around like bees Monday to Friday (and sometimes more!) despite the Covid-19 craziness.

Only last week I represented a parent in a hearing where mum and dad were arguing about whether their child should go between their houses during lockdown – mum was worried that the child would catch Covid en route, dad missed his son terribly and felt he was taking the proper precautions to safeguard the child.

It is very different doing a telephone hearing (I was in a t-shirt instead of a three piece suit! But don’t tell the boss) and can get a bit messy, the judge still ruled the roost as if we were in her courtroom and the words of wisdom which stuck out most was:

“Life must go on as normal where possible”.

And the judge was right. Just because we’re locked indoors, does not mean life has come to an end – this week we have been instructed by divorcing spouses, people who want to see their children and people wanting to escape an abusive relationship.

Jake MitchellJake Mitchell
Jake is a Trainee Solicitor at our Castleford office.