Ison Harrison is proud to be launching a new initiative encouraging health and wellbeing in the workplace with our very own “Cycle September” campaign.

Following the significant, and most welcomed, improvements to the Leeds City Centre cycling routes with the recent opening of the Cycle Superhighway, we are delighted to be supporting the council’s ongoing cycling initiative with our new campaign, with the aim of raising money for a local charity.

How It Works

Throughout September, staff from our 19 branches will be cycling as many miles as they can to raise money for Leeds based support group, Little Hiccups. Our newly launched Ison Harrison Community Fund will donate £1 for every mile cycled during September and we will be encouraging staff to get their bikes out to cycle whenever they can! Our aim is to raise £5,000 for Little Hiccups.

During the month, we will be using the hashtag #CycleSeptember on our social media channels where you can keep up to date with our team’s progress. We have quite a few keen cyclists in our branches so we’ll be aiming to raise as much money as we can for Little Hiccups whilst also raising awareness of how we can all be a little more ‘green conscious’ and cycle more.

At the end of September, we will tally up the miles cycled and make the donation to Little Hiccups.

Our Launch Event

To kick-start the Cycle September campaign, we are pleased to announce a rather epic cycling challenge which will see our new Barnsley branch manager, Anne Robertson, taking on a 127-mile sponsored bike ride along the entire length of the Leeds Liverpool Canal on 30th and 31st August. Anne has volunteered to take on the challenge on behalf of Ison Harrison to support Little Hiccups with this important launch event. You can find out more about Anne’s challenge here.

Our Aims

We are hoping that, with these two combined initiatives, we reach our £5,000 target to support Little Hiccups whilst also helping to promote the well-being of our staff and recognise the great work Leeds City Council have been doing with the new cycle routes. We also hope that we can go some way to helping to depopulate Leeds City Centre with cars – just 1 month really can make a difference!

If you would like to join in our #CycleSeptember campaign, please tag us in on social media if you too are cycling to work or dusting the bike off and starting your own cycling challenge! Your support will mean a lot to us.

You can keep up to date with our ‘Cycle September’ campaign on our website and across social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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