Harrogate Neighbours

At Harrogate Neighbours the senior team are keen to ensure that the organisation meets all employment laws and legislation and to give the appropriate support to their staff in relation to the workplace, and that everyone is treated fairly.  The service and advice provided by Ison Harrison as our employment law firm underpins the ethos of our organisation and gives us the confidence to deal with all  our HR issues and know that we have that expert help on hand when required.

Harrogate Neighbours

Employment for Businesses

Harrogate Neighbours

At Harrogate Neighbours the senior team are keen to ensure that the organisation meets all employment laws and legislation and to give the appropriate support to their staff in relation to the workplace, and that everyone is treated fairly.  The service and advice provided by Ison Harrison as our employment law firm underpins the ethos of our organisation and gives us the confidence to deal with all  our HR issues and know that we have that expert help on hand when required.