Upon becoming a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, a client disclosed a historic criminal conviction for Affray. The offence was committed in 2001 and took place in the Isle of Man, the client pleaded guilty and was fined by the magistrates. He now faced disciplinary proceedings before the ACCA Disciplinary Panel. The guideline sanction for a criminal conviction of a violent nature is exclusion from practice.
Our client sought assistance from Ison Harrison, who was able to successfully argue that a charge of failing to disclose a matter which would lead to disciplinary action should be withdrawn at the initial stage.
Although our client had to admit misconduct by reason of having a conviction, Ison Harrison was able to persuade the ACCA disciplinary committee that his case should be dealt with by way of a reprimand.
A reprimand is one of lowest forms of punishment available to the ACCA disciplinary panel and a reprimand has no practical effect on the member’s ability to practice as an accountant.
Ison Harrison argued successfully against any fine being imposed, and the costs of the association were reduced by one-third to reflect the assistance which Ison Harrison and their client had provided to the panel.
Overall, this was a good result which ensured that our client’s career as an accountant could continue without restriction or delay.
If you are an accountant facing disciplinary proceedings or an investigation, or if you feel that you need to disclose a matter which might render you liable to disciplinary action, then Ison Harrison can help. Please call Ison Harrison before you make contact with your professional body. He will draft your response to the Assessor and in some cases, can ensure that the matter ‘lies on the file’ without the necessity for a hearing.