The Chief Officer of Police has the power to revoke a firearm or shotgun certificate and the powers relating to the revocation of a firearm certificate or a shotgun certificate do differ.

Revocation of a firearm certificate

The Chief Officer of Police has the power to revoke a firearm certificate if he believes:

  • That the holder is of intemperate habits or unsound mind or unfit to be entrusted with a firearm; or
  • That the holder is a danger to the public safety or the peace.

Revocation of a shotgun certificate

The Chief Officer of Police has the power to revoke a shotgun certificate if he believes:

  • That the holder is prohibited from possessing a shotgun; or
  • That the holder is a danger to the public safety or the peace.

If your firearm or shotgun certificate has been revoked you have the right to appeal the decision. There is a strict 21 day time limit for any appeals to be lodged with the Crown Court and we would advise that you lodge your appeal as soon as possible and that supporting evidence be then served later together with a statement of case putting forward your case in a detailed and coherent manner.

Our Regulatory Law specialist, Ian Anderson, will be more that happy to answer any queries that you may have and he can be contacted directly on 0113 284 5062.