Expert Commercial Dispute Solicitors

It is an unfortunate fact of commercial life that at some stage a business owner will find themselves embroiled in a commercial dispute. Whether this arises in the context of pursuing a simple debt, or whether something more complex. It is therefore important that they have access to clear, sensible, and practical advice in order to deal with the problem and move forward with as little disruption caused to the business as possible.

At Ison Harrison we act for a wide range of businesses from individual sole traders to large nationwide companies. They include manufacturers, service providers, online suppliers of goods and services, as well information technology companies. Their customers are both within the UK and overseas.

We have considerable experience of advising and representing clients in a wide range of areas including: sale and carriage of goods, provision of services, commercial agency, guarantees, consumer credit, franchising, distribution, finance agreements, competition law, confiscation proceedings, asset purchase and share sale agreements, civil fraud, hire of goods, construction, and breach of confidence.

We are also able to represent clients in relation to disputes that arise in the context of insolvency.

On occasions, it is necessary to obtain urgent legal remedies and we are experienced in obtaining the necessary interim freezing and/or delivery up court injunctions with a view to protecting the funds/assets of clients. We regularly advise and represent clients in relation to preventing the exploitation of confidential information, whether in a commercial or employment context.

We represent clients in a number of forums including the County Court, High Court, Commercial Court, and Court of Appeal.

We recognise that court proceedings may not be the best way of resolving disputes, and have extensive experience of mediation, adjudication and arbitration.