An injunctive remedy is a legal order issued by a court that instructs a party to either do or refrain from doing something. They are often issued in a case where a party has breached a contract or is engaging in conduct that is causing harm or is likely to cause harm to your business, like spreading misinformation.

If you feel like your business is under attack, or that a party is doing something that is harming your operations, then we’re here to help. We’ll represent you in court, fight your corner and ensure that we get an injunctive remedy in place that restores your peace of mind.

Our expert team will:

  • Review your case- We’ll conduct a thorough review of your case and advise you on the best way forward
  • Liaise with third parties- It is likely that you feel uncomfortable speaking to your aggressor, particularly if they are trying to harm your business. We’ll liaise with them on your behalf, keeping you informed with every step
  • Represent you in court- Court can feel like an intimidating place. We’ll guide you through the process and get you your desired outcome


A Tailored Approach

We have over 40 years of experience in securing injunctive remedies for clients across a range of industries and situations. We understand that every case is unique, and we will work closely with you to tailor our approach to your specific needs and objectives.

Let’s get your business back on track together.


Contact the Dispute Resolution Team. 

Please contact Lindsay Dixon at or Jonathan Robson at

Tel: 0113 284 5000