Malicious falsehood is when someone makes a statement against you or your business with the intention of causing financial harm. This is not to be confused with defamation, which is where someone makes a statement to harm your reputation, however, you can often file a lawsuit for both cases at the same time.

False words can have devastating effects on your organisation. Not only is there the financial damage of customers now refusing to buy from you, but there is also the damage to your company’s brand. This is why fighting your corner against malicious falsehood is about more than just reclaiming lost profit; It’s about restoring your image, rebuilding trust amongst customers and proving that you are a trustworthy business or individual.

Our expert team will

  • Restore lost revenue- We’ll ensure that any revenue lost to malicious falsehood is repaid by the aggressor
  • Restore your reputation- Proving that malicious allegations are false will restore your reputation and stop any negative effects on future profits
  • Silence false claims- Once we have won your case, the aggressor will no longer be allowed to broadcast malicious statements, effectively silencing their false claims


Silence False Claims Today

Show customers, partners and business associates that you take false claims seriously. By fighting back and proving malicious falsehood, you restore your reputation, silence the accuser and reclaim every penny lost as a result of false statements.


Contact the Professional Negligence Team

Please contact Chris Thomson at or Jonathan Robson at

Tel: 0113 284 5000